Exciting News! Our upcoming NZ Fringe show has been scheduled to show at BATS Theatre. This is one of Wellington's most well known venues for the performing arts. It has a reputation for hosting up and coming artists, as well as shows that are more unconventional. So as a group, Wellington Young Actors hopes to carry on that tradition. It is a privilege to be able to perform at a place like this, but also a challenge . A challenge that we are prepared to take up. and hopefully bring something unique to the stage. So exciting times are ahead as we begin to form our show. There is a lot going on so make sure to keep up with all the action. More info and teasers will be coming soon!
In the meantime, if you'd like to help us to make our show possible, we are fundraising through a PledgeMe campaign. Check out our cool rewards here: https://www.pledgeme.co.nz/projects/6355-puberty-the-musical​